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How to conduct brand research to drive success

Brand research will provide useful insights to help your brand grow.

Brand research is a crucial part of diagnosing your brand health. By identifying opportunities for improvement, you’ll be able to differentiate your brand, identify weaknesses, and improve your branding. Let’s discuss brand research, what it will do for you, how to conduct brand research, and how to use the results to drive success.

Brand research is a form of market research that explores various components of your branding, such as brand identity, vision, goals, mission, and positioning, to gain insights into how your brand is perceived. It helps you find out whether your vision for your brand matches public perception and helps you identify areas for improvement.

Brand research includes comparisons to your competitors. It helps you discover where you have a competitive advantage—and where you have opportunities to improve. 

This research is an ongoing process. You know what you’ve set out to present as your brand, but perception is in the hands of the consumers. To find out what they think, you have to ask. And ask again. Changes to your brand, your target audience, and simply time can all cause a shift in how your brand is perceived.

There are several advantages to brand research:

  • Gain insights into how the public perceives your brand
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of brand communication
  • Identify areas of brand growth (such as in awareness)
  • Identify areas that are in need of improvement
  • Glean actionable insights
  • Avoid guesswork and assumptions for brand messaging
  • Align all teams in messaging that is supported by data

Brand research is not something you do once when establishing your brand. It is conducted frequently to ensure ongoing positive brand perception.

Examples of times to use brand research:

  • Establishing brand and competitive baselines: Find out what your target audience thinks of your brand and your competition. You’ll gain insights into what your competitors are doing that works—and what doesn’t. You’ll uncover things you should avoid and things you should improve. This comprehensive analysis will give you a place to start and a baseline to determine whether future efforts will have a positive impact.
  • Increase in advertising/marketing: Discover the public perception of your advertising and marketing messages. Are you hitting the right tone? Does it fit with your brand image? Test your messaging to ensure that your message is being received the right way and that it is considered consistent with your branding.
  • Launch of a new product/service: Find out if a new product, feature, or service makes sense in terms of your brand. Is it in line with your brand values? Will the public receive it well? Combine branding research with your