
SurveyMonkey si presta a gestire qualsiasi caso d'uso ed esigenza. Esplora il prodotto e scopri cosa può fare per te.

Analisi basate sui dati da un leader globale nei sondaggi online.

Funzioni di base e strumenti avanzati in un'unica potente piattaforma.

Moduli online personalizzati per raccogliere dati e pagamenti.

Integrazione con oltre 100 app e plug-in per lavorare meglio.

Soluzioni mirate per qualsiasi esigenza di ricerca di mercato.

Sondaggi migliori e dati in tempi rapidi grazie all'IA integrata.


Misura soddisfazione e fedeltà al marchio dei tuoi clienti.

Scopri cosa rende felici i clienti per trasformarli in sostenitori.

Acquisisci informazioni utili a migliorare l'esperienza utente.

Raccogli informazioni di contatto da clienti, invitati e altri.

Raccogli e gestisci le adesioni al tuo prossimo evento.

Scopri le preferenze dei partecipanti per migliorare i prossimi eventi.

Scopri come ottenere risultati rafforzando il coinvolgimento.

Raccogli riscontri dai partecipanti per organizzare riunioni migliori.

Usa il feedback dei colleghi per una performance migliore.

Migliora i corsi e i metodi di insegnamento.

Scopri come gli studenti valutano il corso e la sua presentazione.

Scopri cosa pensano i clienti delle tue idee per nuovi prodotti.


Linee guida per l'utilizzo di indagini e dei dati raccolti.

Articoli su indagini, suggerimenti per le aziende e tanto altro.

Tutorial e guide pratiche per l'uso di SurveyMonkey.

Come i migliori brand promuovono la crescita con SurveyMonkey.


Help with your COVID-19 response plan

Better navigate the challenges ahead with real-time insights from your customers, employees, markets, and communities.

Honeycomb design

A note from our CEO

As the world comes to grips with COVID-19, businesses are having to adjust and react quickly. Now more than ever, it’s crucial for organizations to listen to the people they serve and find ways to help them cope with the new challenges they’re facing.

At SurveyMonkey, we are committed to supporting our customers around the globe. That’s why we’ve launched new solutions to help you navigate the impact of COVID-19, and get the feedback you need to make critical decisions—for today, and for the future of your business.


Zander Lurie
CEO, SurveyMonkey

With more companies adapting to a remote
working model, the need to assess employee sentiment is greater than ever. Get the tools to: 

  • Take a regular pulse check on your team’s well-being 
  • Get a better understanding of the remote experience  
  • Keep employee data secure with a trusted platform

As organizations reopen, and employees and customers return to shared spaces, ensuring operational safety is important. Get resources to help:

  • Assess employee sentiment and needs about a returning to workspaces, teleworking, or both
  • Monitor health for both onsite and remote working staff
  • Help your team plan and validate employee learning about process or policy changes
  • Attract and retain talent by collecting and acting on candidate and employee feedback

Monitor population health securely with timely data that helps you analyze the spread of symptoms. Collect and manage protected health information (PHI) through surveys with HIPAA-compliant features. Learn how you can:

  • Send surveys to help monitor symptom spread and trace networks of interaction 
  • Better gauge patient access to healthcare services and other social services like childcare
  • Improve safety by assessing knowledge of COVID-19 health and safety best practices
Contact tracing-coronavirus-response

Across the continuum of care, healthcare workers are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis. Monitoring their health and well-being is critical during this difficult period. Get the tools to help:

  • Stay connected with your workforce to quickly respond to concerns and provide support
  • Survey patients to understand their points of contact and the spread of symptoms 
  • Assess and act on your team’s knowledge of COVID-19 best practices to improve safety

From drugstores to grocers and restaurants, many essential businesses need to collect PHI in a manner that complies with HIPAA. Learn how you can: 

  • Ensure everyone's safety with routine health checks-ins for your employees
  • Assess the health of onsite visitors to better protect the health of your customers
  • Survey customers on how to best deliver services and more ways you can help

Partner with the SurveyMonkey Professional Services team to:

Leverage our 20+ years of survey design and methodology experience

Get hands-on help with survey programming or creating custom reports

Work with our experts to analyze your data so you can take the right actions

Smiling HR employee holding a piece of paper and taking a video call on laptop

I responsabili HR possono usare questo toolkit per garantire ai dipendenti un'esperienza eccellente.

A man and woman looking at an article on their laptop, and writing information on sticky notes

Scopri come woom usa SurveyMonkey per lanciare sondaggi multilingue, migliorare l'esperienza dei dipendenti e raccogliere la prospettiva dei clienti.

Smiling man with glasses using a laptop

Incoraggia l'autoriflessione e la responsabilità dei dipendenti con il nostro modulo di autovalutazione. Migliorerai le verifiche delle prestazioni!

Woman reviewing information on her laptop

Talenti migliori, inserimento rapido e gestione ottimale del personale: inizia subito con i nostri modelli personalizzabili e il generatore di moduli.