
Text analysis made easy

Get more insights from open-ended responses.

Questions that let respondents reply with a comment can provide valuable information. With SurveyMonkey’s text analysis tools you can easily cut through the clutter, avoid labor-intensive efforts, and get to ah-ha in just a few clicks.


Got dozens, thousands, or even millions of open-text responses? With Sentiment Analysis, just click to get an instant summary of how people feel.

  • See positive, neutral, or negative sentiments at a glance
  • Filter by sentiment to quickly identify areas that need attention
  • Filter a question by sentiment for even deeper insights
Text analysis
Word cloud

Word clouds let you quickly interpret open-ended responses with a visual display of the most frequently used words.

Customize the look of your word clouds:

  • Select colors or fonts for specific words to add visual appeal
  • Pick a range or threshold for when words should appear
  • Easily hide any non-relevant words
  • Combine related words into one category

To make the most of these features, you should aim for around 20 or more responses.

Looking for something very specific in your response data? You can also tag your responses to uncover even more specific information in your open-ended response data.

  1. Sub-tags let you dig in even deeper and uncover finer subtexts
  2. Assign multiple tags to the same response as needed
  3. Filter results by tag to get more granular insights
Tagging in action

Do you have an open-ended question that you’re ready to analyze? Follow these step-by-step instructions to turn words into actionable data.


Team Advantage

  • Search and tag responses
  • Word cloud
  • Sentiment analysis


Team Premier,

  • Search and tag responses
  • Advanced word cloud
  • Sentiment analysis
Donna con capelli rossi che crea un'indagine su un laptop

Scopri i nostri toolkit, progettati per aiutarti a sfruttare i feedback per il tuo ruolo o settore.

Una donna e un uomo che leggono un articolo sul laptop e prendono appunti su foglietti adesivi

Oltre 400 modelli di questionari personalizzabili redatti da esperti per creare e inviare indagini coinvolgenti in modo rapido.

Uomo sorridente con occhiali che usa un laptop

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Donna che esamina informazioni sul suo laptop

Crea e personalizza facilmente moduli per ricevere le richieste di dipendenti, clienti e altri, o usa i nostri modelli per iniziare in pochi minuti.