
Dear colleague, we are pleased to welcome you and thank you for accepting this invitation!

This project promoted by the Fondazione Ossicini, in collaboration with your Professional Association, aims to investigate the role that relationships and personal skills and strengths can have in promoting equal opportunities and tackling gender discrimination.
The objective is to observe gender-related phenomena in the workplace, focusing in particular on the issues of equal opportunities and discrimination.
Filling out the questionnaire does not provide correct or wrong answers, but what matters is your point of view. Your participation in the research is voluntary, and the data will be analyzed anonymously and in aggregate form.
Please keep in mind that what you write is protected by professional secrecy and will not be disclosed, and will be collected for statistical purposes only.
You will start by answering some questions about your professional area and then continue with a section relating to the topics of interest, such as courage, life satisfaction, and the perception of discrimination in work contexts.

We thank you for your cooperation.

For any further information, comments or difficulties you can write to: