Exit Is your company ready to mitigate emerging risks? Question Title * 1. What is the primary driver of your organization's cybersecurity efforts during the next 12 months? Proactive threat management and resilience Protecting patient data and privacy Regulatory compliance Question Title * 2. How does your organization ensure the security of sensitive healthcare data? Continuous security monitoring and incident response planning Periodic security audits and vulnerability assessments Data protection technologies and staff training Question Title * 3. How do you ensure the security of your supply chain? Basic supplier check and periodic audits Continuous supplier monitoring, collaborative security initiatives, and proactive threat intelligence Supplier risk assessments, contractual security requirements, and regular policy updates Question Title * 4. What practices do you have in place for securing production systems and managing security? Scheduled updates and basic access controls Real-time monitoring, automated incident response, and robust access management Dedicated solution with automated anomaly detection and role-based access controls Question Title * 5. How do you manage and secure your healthcare IT systems and devices? Endpoint protection and a few other security technologies Comprehensive measures in place, including network architecture redesign (e.g. micro-segmentation, zero-trust, hybrid cloud), integrated threat intelligence, and robust security protocols for IoT devices Specific solutions to protect different parts of the network, and conduct routine vulnerability assessments Find out the outcome and advice from our experts