Overall impression

Question Title

* 1. Did the speed dating meet your expectations?
(Express an opinion from 1 to 5.  1 worst - 2 poor - 3 average - 4 good - 5 excellent)

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied were you with the atmosphere?
(Express an opinion from 1 to 5.  1 worst - 2 poor - 3 average - 4 good - 5 excellent)

Question Title

* 3. How did you feel about the fit of the participants in relation to the subject of the event?
(Express an opinion from 1 to 5.  1 worst - 2 poor - 3 average - 4 good - 5 excellent)

Question Title

* 4. Do you think that speed dating is a helpful / profitable way to find new partners?

Question Title