European Survey about Youth Work Laws Mapping

"Focus Youth Work" is an Erasmus+ KA154 project with the aim of implement the promotion and recognition of the figure of the youth worker in Italy through structured dialogue and promoting the theme of youth work by working in a reciprocal context in the Italian context, drawing from the various European experiences and focusing on the European Strategy and its impact. The Italian regions involved in the project are: Calabria, Piedmont, Lombardy, Campania, Lazio, Sardinia and Puglia.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Surname

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* 3. Your email

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* 4. From which European country are you coming from? (in the list they appear as Member States of the European Union associated to the Erasmus+ Programme)

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* 5. Name of the Organisation that you represent (if none, write "I am freelancing")

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* 6. Link to the official website or social media of the Organisation that you represent

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* 7. Is your Organisation...?

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* 8. Do you think that youth work is known in your country?

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* 9. How may youth workers do you think that are actively working in your country?

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* 10. Is it existing an official national law recognising youth work in your country"

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* 11. If in the previous box you affirmed that an official national law exists in your country, please provide us with the link to it (we will later check on translation, no worry).

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* 12. I agree on GDPR / data collection for the Erasmus+ data usage and survey elaboration only (UE) 2016/679

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* 13. Our project is investigating youth work in Italy and making comparison with youth work in Europe. Thank you for helping us in mapping your country and showing your support to "Focus Youth Work". If you want to give us some more suggestions and further open comments, this box is the place to make it happen. :)